Social Media – Let’s Elevate Your Presence!

Inspired by the dynamic world of social media, I thrive on the low barriers to connection, the challenge of finding the right audience, and the opportunity to cultivate genuine bonds between businesses and their communities. As a skilled visual storyteller and social media communicator, I believe these platforms are an incredible tool to expand your reach, strengthen customer relationships, and drive business growth.

I’m dedicated to helping you attract the right people and achieve your goals through tailored social media solutions. Whether you’re a newbie looking for an accessible entry point or an established brand seeking a more comprehensive strategy, I’m here to amplify your online presence and unlock your full potential.

The best part? It doesn’t have to be expensive or locked in. I want to work with what you need, not what’s good for me. Need a low-cost starter package? Let’s try 15 posts and see how that goes. Prefer a more in-depth approach? I can help by taking more photos, creating videos, and offering a detailed analysis of your performance.

Whatever you need – that’s what I can help with. Let’s work together to elevate your social media presence and make a lasting impact.

Recent Social Media Work

Wesley Hill Bakery: A Local Favorite Restored

Wesley Hill Bakery is renowned for its delicious, handmade pies, cakes, and sandwiches – a local favourite for good reason. However, after the COVID-19 lockdowns, they needed to re-establish strong communication with their community.

That’s where I stepped in. Using stunning food photography and upbeat custom videos, I showcased the quality of Wesley Hill’s offerings and the friendly, welcoming atmosphere. By targeting the local Chewton and Wesley Hill audience, I was able to quickly double the bakery’s reach on Facebook and Instagram.

This sustained growth in followers, reach, and engagement has led to increased sales, business expansion, and a reinvigorated sense of community connection. My strategy? Post often, target precisely, and respond to customers promptly.

The results speak for themselves – Wesley Hill Bakery is once again a beloved local institution, thanks to a strategic social media approach that elevated their online presence and brought customers through the doors.

Wesley Hill Bakery
Wesley Hill Bakery

Wesley Hill Hall and Market: Facebook and Instagram

Reviving the Heart of Wesley Hill: A Market Reborn

For years, the Wesley Hill Market was the quintessential Saturday ritual for the Castlemaine community – a classic market filled with bargains, great food, and a lively atmosphere where people could spend hours catching up with friends, buying fresh produce, and letting the kids roam. However, the COVID-19 lockdowns led to a malaise that saw the market become a shadow of its former self.

Compounding the issue, the attached Wesley Hill Hall – a true country town gem – had also fallen into disuse, with barely anyone utilizing the space. Changes to the market’s committee and a muddied online presence meant communication with interested parties had become confused and inefficient.

Enter the new, purposeful committee who tasked me with revitalising the market’s online presence – both on social media and their website. The results have been transformative. A brand-new, beautifully designed website and a revamped social media strategy have attracted a surge of new followers, leading to a 65% increase in reach within just two weeks.

Now, the Wesley Hill Market is well on its way to reclaiming its status as the heartbeat of the local community, buzzing with energy and drawing in increased attendance. It’s a testament to the power of strategic digital communication to breathe new life into a cherished community institution.

Wesley Hill Hall & Market
Wesley Hill Hall & Market

Your Community is your World!

I’m just as eager as you are to make social media work for your business! But I know that every approach needs to be unique. That’s why I’m happy to offer you a low-entry point with no long-term commitment.

Let’s start by trying out 15 posts and see how that goes. If you’re comfortable with social media but haven’t had the time to capture great photos or create videos, I can take care of that for you. And if you need a hand analysing your stats and account health, I’ve got you covered there too. I can dive in, take a look at what posts are performing best and for whom, and provide some insights on how to amplify your reach.

Oh, and don’t worry about the AI stuff – I’ve used it quite a lot in my social media work, and it’s an amazing tool for improving copy and even creating the occasional fun image. No need to be intimidated by the technology; I’ll make sure it works seamlessly for you.

So, what do you say? Ready to dip your toes in and see what kind of social media magic we can create together? | 0421 720 851